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FuelMeUp.com: Pay with Credit Card - Pay more for Gas

Be careful if you are paying with credit cards at the pump. Several gas stations are advertising the 'cash' price per gallon and adding an additional few cents per gallon on customers that are paying with a credit card. IF YOU PAY WITH A CREDIT CARD MAKE SURE THE PRICE ON THE PUMP IS NOT INCREASED. Credit card companies charge a fee to the merchant for each transaction, and with the margins being thin on gas purchases, some stations are offsetting that merchant charge by raising the price per gallon on customers that pay with credit cards. Some consumers are willing to pay the additional cost for the convience of pay at the pump, but if you want to pay the advertised price, plan on paying with check or cash. Please contact us if you encounter a station that is practicing this method and we will let the other FuelMeUp visitors know to expect it if they visit that station.

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